Balance your life with your job
Job is an essential part of life as it provides the means to your daily requirements. It is very important as it decides what kind of life you are living, what your status is in your society, and what you do to provide value to the world. Having said all that, the job is not your life. Each and everyone must have a healthy work-life balance and enjoy life and perform well in your job.
I am listing a few elements in my daily life that help me live my life to the best and do my job happily. The addition of these elements in your life will change it gradually to a much better state of living.
Separating work from life
One of the most crucial parts of balancing and living your life happily is to separate your work from life. In today's world of computers and online working, it easy to mix up your life with work. This results in your work being in short stretches of time and taking up your whole day leaving you busy for the entire day and not having a long free stretch of time to do other things.
Few ways of achieving this feat -
- Try to do work in one or two long stretches of time which doesn't cover up your entire day.
- List yourself as unavailable after you have completed your work in the time decided by you.
- While doing your work, don't let little things in your life interrupt your work.
- Turn off notifications or create a list of all the tasks that are required to be done by you after your work time. Complete these tasks the next day on priority.
Working out / Exercise
Creating a habit of exercising/ working out daily or 4-5 days a week for at least 45 minutes is one of the best things that can improve the quality of your life. Exercising not only makes your fit physically but also improves your mental health. After a stressful day full of work, the mind also requires some relaxation. Exercising releases hormones that give a happy feeling to the mind and releases the stress that accumulates the entire day.
Cultivating a Hobby
A hobby can be anything. It can be learning a musical instrument, dance, music, sketching etc. Spending even 30 minutes daily on something you love may change your life dramatically and make you better at that activity too.
Watching Movie / TV Series
Creating a work-life balance doesn't mean completely shutting down activities that waste your time. It means optimising your time and doing what you like along with doing what's important.
Watching a couple of movies every week or watching some TV series one episode a day gives a pleasant feel and relaxation to the mind. It also gives you different perspectives in life which may inspire you.
Reading a Book with music
Reading a book, be it fiction or non-fiction, helps in stimulating your mind and learning new things every day. The topic might be anything varying from self-improvement to novels. Listening to music at night along with reading a book might be one of the best combinations I have ever used while spending time.
Doing these activities on a daily basis not only relaxes your and helps you enjoy but also it helps a lot in your learnings and self-improvement. Share this if you found it useful and let me know of any other elements in your life that are helping you to lead a better life.
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